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Head Lopper Volume 3: Head Lopper & The Knights of Venora

Head Lopper Volume 3: Head Lopper & The Knights of Venora

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Norgal and Agatha have come to the city of Venoriah, finding it in utter chaos. The great egg at the center of the walled city has begun to crack. Goblins gather in the field, pike and spear in hand, to welcome their hatching doomsday god. The Sworn Swords of Venoriah line the walls to protect their city from invasion. War is imminent. Looming ever darker still, a nameless, faceless evil hunts our heroes from afar, seeking the Warrior and The Witch. Dark servants within the city have picked up its beckoning call. With perils around every corner, can our heroes find the answers to the questions in their hearts? Or will they be swallowed by the madness of Venoriah? Collects HEAD LOPPER #9-12
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